twilight yoga on the farm
I have this habit in winter — I like to dream big.
While piling over my notebook — the scribbles I kept of all the wins, challenges and mishaps — I give myself lots of space to envision the coming year.
It’s probably one of my favorite winter traditions.
And since farming requires a lot of advanced planning and preparation, I pretty much get the entire year sketched out by late January.
One of the recurring themes from my 2021 notebook was — more farm events!
While sharing the farm online has been a great way to reach & inspire folks, getting them here in person was —hands down— the path of deepest connection.
So in January, I got busy filling in the upcoming calendar with opportunities to bring people out.
Not just the tried & true ways, like the Meet & Greets and our Annual Open Barn…
But an expansion on ones that…seemed to be a hit…like Yoga on the Farm.
Last year, we held just one yoga event, it was in October after the Open Barn.
And it was such a great time, I wished I had offered more before the weather turned cold.
So this year I dreamed up a Yoga on the Farm series for 2022.
My thought was — give folks a chance to see how the farm evolves over the year — in a soothing & unique setting.
Like one each season, to take in the changing landscape between the herd, the pastures and the gardens.
Naturally, the first up was spring which is a notoriously fickle season when it comes to the weather.
But did I really even think of or account for that?
No! It doesn’t rain in my dreams! lol
I was too focused on all the parts of spring that I love — crisp air, moody skies, cozy wooly knits, and the return of birds & green grass.
March can be dicey in the Walla Walla valley though. But I wasn’t really thinking about that. Frankly, it never really crossed my mind — and I’m so glad it didn’t! Had it, I might’ve been inclined to scrap the idea.
Looking at the calendar, I noticed the full moon icon on March the 18th.
Ooooooh yeah! With our sweeping views here on the homestead, I’m a regular moon & star gazer.
Full Moon Yoga was a done deal in my mind!
About 2 weeks before the event, I released tickets and that’s when the detailed planning began in earnest.
And then I realized…
This is going to be happening in the dark…and I’ve never done a twilight event on the farm!
Nothing that a little bit of mood lighting couldn’t fix!
I grabbed a couple packs of solar pathway lights and placed them in the pasture.
Despite a cloudy day, they managed to charge.
And so did the strand of solar lights that I hung in the newly completed outhouse!
Everyone arrived to the crackle of a little campfire, and the sounds of dusk — crickets & frogs in the distance and the clucking of chickens across the street.
As everyone rolled out their mats beside the individual solar lights and a cup of alpaca kibble, I let the eager herd in.
Now, remember — I’ve never done an event at twilight — so that means neither have the alpacas!
Watching them curiously but cautiously enter was a delight. It wasn’t long before everyone was settled in.
Aleks began the restorative yoga practice, with her melodic and welcoming voice giving guidance as the alpacas continued to meander.
As I told everyone beforehand, you don’t need to be a practicing yogi to do restorative yoga.
It’s really just deep breathing and light stretching…in a space that really encourages it!
Despite the cloud cover, I firmly believe we all felt the grandness of a full moon…lingering out there…somewhere in the cosmos, as the alpacas sauntered curiously in betweenst us all.
Towards the end of the practice, the full moon made an appearance. Still gently obscured, it still had a commanding presence.
Looking around, my proud barn — an extension of my home — and a pasture that had become a large living room filled with alpacas and kinship.
It was one of the most magical nights I’ve ever experienced in the 9 years I’ve been fortunate to call this farm my home. And I’m going to do everything I can to continue to recreate it many times over!
Thank you to Greg Lehman of the Union-Bulletin for this picture of me, Hammie and a happy yogi!